Catch the wave – cutting edge AI trends
and how to apply them to your business.


“The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed.”

   • in 2023, AI went from a cool toy to a critical tool for 

   • It is already in use by companies in almost every industry
     and it’s just getting started.

   • By 2028, there will be a huge divide between companies
      who use AI in their customer experience those who don’t–
      which side of the divide will you be on?

The world of AI is complicated and fast moving. How do you even know what’s possible? Swoz Consulting combines AI geniuses with practical business strategists to bring you the latest in AI breakthroughs–and how you can apply them to improve business performance. Don’t get left behind.


Here’s what our AI services includes:

Keynotes and Workshops: Engage with the Swoz team through informative keynotes and hands-on workshops designed to demystify AI and explore its potential impact on your business.

Custom AI Opportunity Assessment: Receive a personalized assessment of AI opportunities tailored to your specific business needs and objectives. Our team will identify areas where AI can drive the most significant improvements in your customer experience and overall operations.

AI Coaching: Consider having an expert guide you as you integrate AI into your company plans; our Strategic Coaches offer support, accountability, and strategic insights to enhance your leadership intentions and plans, fostering loyal brand ambassadors through our engine frameworks.

As we look ahead to the future…

As we look ahead to the future, it’s clear that AI will play a pivotal role in shaping the business landscape. By 2028, there will be a significant divide between companies that embrace AI in their customer experience and those that don’t. Which side of the divide will you be on?

We believe that with our expertise and your vision, we can unlock new possibilities and drive unparalleled success for your business.

How can we help with your AI and CX?